Egypt, Amulet - Scarab Beetle, 1490 - 1354 BC, VF
AU$300 - AU$600
Live Auction
Roxbury's Auction No. 137 - Signature Sale - 28th-30th October 2024
Ancient Egyptian C. 18th & 19th Dynasty, steatite scarab beetle amulets (2) with incised features marked by single lines, the reverse marked by hieroglyphs, both (pinned) on velvet mounts and presented in a small jewellery box, with tags & certificates from Regal Coin Company Pty Ltd, dated 2nd May 1977.
Side note: 1- Steatite is a metamorphic rock that consists primarily of talc and is better known as soapstone.
2- The Egyptian scarab is one of the most well recognised symbols in ancient Egypt, appearing as amulets, on jewellery and in a funerary context. Modeled after the dung beetle, the scarab was closely connected with the sun god Khepri, who was thought to bring the sunrise over the horizon each day, therefore becoming a symbol of rebirth, regeneration, and protection in the afterlife.