194 of 3499 lots
Replica of Dirk Hartog Plate, 1988,
AU$50 - AU$60
Live Auction
Roxbury's Auction No. 122 - Signature Sale 5th - 7th July 2023
Limited Edition of Dirk Hartog's plate from 1616. Dirk Hartog landed at Shark Bay, Western Australia in 1616 and left this pewter plate with an inscription detailing their voyage and destination. Another Dutch explorer, William de Vlamingh, landed at the same spot in 1697 and put another plate there with the original inscription and added one of his own. Vlamingh took the original plate back to the Netherlands. The original Hartog plate is in the Rijksmuseum in the Netherlands. The Vlamingh plate was later removed by French explorer, Lois de Freycinet in 1827 and the French government presented the plate back to Australia on the 28th of May 1947.