Poland, Piotr Emeschajmer, 'Matters of Concern'
AU$1,000 - AU$1,500
Live Auction
Roxbury Auction No. 110 - Thursday 24th - Sunday 27th of March (QLD TIME)
Stone sculpture of three male faces with a child, three-dimensional realistic portrayal signifying stages in a man's development, heavy, carved in Mount Summit stone, 45cm x 17cm.
Piotr Emeschajmer was admitted to the Polish Master of Arts and Crafts Guild at the young age of 23 after training in Gdansk under the renowned Professor Albert Tendall. He emigrated to New Zealand in 1986 where he held exhibitions in Auckland. This work was pre-1996, a private purchase from the sculptor.
Sold with copy of replacement valuation for $6,250 NZD, dated February 1996.